I started running to get healthier and live a better life. I had a stroke at age 38 due to a hole in my heart. I’ve since had that repaired and had to have multiple heart procedures to correct issues with it. I’ve had multiple ablations and monitors. I ended up with a pacemaker to keep things right. Also during this time of heart issues, I fell and broke my foot. I have a screw in my left foot due to the fall. I started out running 5ks and then built from there. I wanted to run a half marathon in Disney World. My wife and I trained for it and made it a goal. We both ran that race and have since ran many more. We also have both of our boys into running, we have made it a family affair. We travel across the country running and exploring. We have completed some sort of race distance in 15 states and 4 countries. To date, I have run four marathons and am currently training for my fifth. During my running journey of about four years, I have lost and have kept off about 80 pounds. Enclosed are two pictures from my last marathon, the Detroit International.