Beatriz - Thersipo

Beatriz Marathon Running Story

My path to being a marathoner:

4 years ago, I started running formally on a team in Querétaro, Mexico. One day the coach was enlisting the marathoners for their preparation, to which I said out loud “I will never do that” because until then I had only run 15 kilometers as maximum distance. At that moment, a voice behind me said “she doesn't know it, but one day she will be a marathoner.” That voice belonged to my friend Hiram Ramìrez (25-time marathoner). When I signed up for my first marathon in Dallas in 2023, he was the first one I shared it with, because he was the one who, even before me, saw my potential and my strength to reach the crown of runners. 

Every training session was a challenge. From the daily discipline of following what was established by the coach, to good nutrition and rest, to good days and others not so good, my body was learning what it meant to be a strong athlete. 

When I ran the marathon I confirmed what my dear friend and admired runner Elisa Gomez  told me “the marathon is not the goal, it is the path that leads you to it.” In each strong step I saw how each training had been worth it. 

I reaffirmed that the marathon is not something for just one person, it is the sum of the beautiful accompaniment of many people for those who, with their legs and mind, reach the goal: thanks to my coach Polo Parra, to my NAAM Meditation Center, to my therapist Francisco Landa, my nutritionist and my beloved Polo Running Team.

I strengthened my belief that there is magical energy that empowers any runner, the people who are there for you. My greatest gratitude to my beautiful family who made a rally strategy to position themselves at strategic points to give me a hug.

Thank you God, Thank you life, for giving me all the blessings necessary to achieve this goal. Thank you for my physical health, my peace of mind, my lively spirit, and my moment.

Today I am a crowned marathoner  and my next challenge is Chicago 2024.

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