2019, the year I decided to sign up for my 1st marathon. Athens marathon was the beginning of a wonderful change in my life! Crossing the finish line at Panathenaic stadium - the most historic stadium of the world- was great. I keep on running ever since. Athens marathon became my annual marathon. Crossing the finish line with my 2 children in 2022 was THE most intense experience in my life as a runner - ever!
My Thersipo medal band shows the Athens medal for my 1st marathon and the Frankfurt medal. I live close to Frankfurt. I finished Frankfurt in 2022. My legs closed down at 21k and I had 21k left to think about my whole life!
Your medal band is a great motivation! It brings up great moments when looking at it. And motivates me to keep up the work to achieve more of these awesome experiences!
Thank you!
Yours, Jochen